History Of Farrasindo Perkasa
Farrasindo Perkasa (FP) is a concrete building construction heavy equipment rental service company which was established in Jakarta on October 3, 2001 by readymix concrete practitioners who are experienced in the practice of casting buildings, apartments, roads. Our services prioritize product/service quality, speed and timeliness for customer satisfaction.

About Us Farrasindo Perkasa
PT. Farrasindo Perkasa was founded and built to answer the challenges and demands of big cities in Indonesia which have limited land to build and provide office facilities and infrastructure, as well as trade on the one hand, as well as housing for residents on the other.

History Of Farrasindo Perkasa
Farrasindo Perkasa (FP) is a concrete building construction heavy equipment rental service company which was established in Jakarta on October 3, 2001 by readymix concrete practitioners who are experienced in the practice of casting buildings, apartments, roads. Our services prioritize product/service quality, speed and timeliness for customer satisfaction.
- Addres : Jl. Raya Srengseng No.41 A-B Kembangan, Jakarta
- NPWP :
- Founding Date : 3 October 2001
- Number Deed : 1,Notaris Patti Dewi Rosanni Pasaribu SH.
- Deed of Amendment Number 85, November 17, 2008 made by Notary H. Dana Sasmita, SH.
- Ratification of the Deed of Establishment by the Minister of Justice Number AHU-97343.AH.01.02 of 2008, December 17, 2008.
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